June 14, 2024

DRC: Boat Accident Claims 80 Lives

A boating accident in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has resulted in the tragic deaths of at least 80 people.

According to a statement from the office of President Felix Tshisekedi, a watercraft carrying over 270 passengers capsized on Tuesday, 12 June; roughly 180 of those onboard were able to swim ashore, but the rest are believed to have drowned.

The boat was en route along the Kwa river to the capital of Kinshasa when an apparent engine failure occurred some 70 kilometres downstream from the city of Mushi, situated in the central African nation’s western province of Mai-Ndombe.

Congolese authorities have initiated an investigation into how the accident came about, while President Tshisekedi has shared the message that he was “devastated” across social media.

Overloaded boats are a frequent problem in the DRC, as safety measures are overlooked by operators to turn a greater profit while placing travellers’ lives at risk. Additionally, few DRC roads are properly tarred and citizens often look to alternative transport means to get by.

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